We all love a good night’s sleep, and we know just what a significant impact a poor sleep cycle can play in both our mental and physical wellbeing.
It’s recommended that we should all get at least seven to nine hours of sleep a night, although some may need a little more or less. The impact for those who regularly get fewer than six hours of sleep are at higher risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke.
A lack of restful sleep also makes it more likely that a person will gain weight and have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol. It's also been recently discovered that sleep is essential for avoiding or reducing risk of cognitive decline.
Whilst you're asleep, a waste clearance system runs what is essentially a rinse cycle in the brain, using cerebrospinal fluid (the clear fluid found in the brain and spine) Experts believe that this fluid flows more freely through the brain when it is at rest during the night washing away a harmful protein known as beta amyloid. Researchers have found that deposits of beta-amyloid start to appear in the brain at least 10 years before symptoms Alzheimer's begin. It is no surprise then that sleep is your body’s most crucial natural supplement, aiding mental and athletic performance.
Here are our top five easy tips to an effortless sleep routine.
Adopting a regular sleep schedule and recording the time and quality of your sleep can help pinpoint weaknesses in your sleep routine. The more regular your schedule, the easier it is for your body to fall into a restful rhythm. It’s also a cathartic process to help rid your busy mind of stress and worries.
With caffeine present in many performance and diet supplements give yourself the best opportunity to sleep by cutting the caffeine at least five hours before you want to sleep. Drinking a cup of coffee in the evening hours can interfere with a sound night’s sleep and recovery.
Create a restful environment. People tend to sleep better in rooms that are cool, dark, and quiet. Setting the stage in a tidy and uncluttered bedroom for a restful night's sleep can help you sleep more soundly.
Working late into the night and late intense workouts can stimulant your brain and may keep you from falling asleep and is known to interfere with sleep quality; it can cause you to wake up in the middle of the night and impact on your mental and physical fatigue.
Electronics that emit blue light, such as televisions, computers, and smartphones, can also lessen sleep quality. Try to avoid them for at least an hour before bedtime.
Sweet Dreams!